El elefante y la Pluma
- Detalles
- Categoría padre: Detras del pesaje
- Categoría: Quiz
- Publicado en Domingo, 28 Agosto 2011 19:15
- Impactos: 4261
Las leyes de Newton. Caida libre
El Elefante y la Pluma
How Much did the Samples Weigh?
- Detalles
- Categoría padre: Detras del pesaje
- Categoría: Quiz
- Publicado en Domingo, 28 Agosto 2011 19:00
- Impactos: 3662
How Much did the Samples Weigh?
A chemistry professor asked his graduate student to find the weights of five different samples of an unknown material.
The student weighed each possible pair of samples, and recorded the weight of each pair as 120, 110, 117, 112, 115, 113, 114, 121, 116, and 118 grams. When he tried to figure out the five individual weights, he realized that he had neglected to record which samples made up each pair.
The professor said that he could figure out the five weights from the data the student had already collected.
How much did the samples weigh?
Cuantos patos pesa el gato?
- Detalles
- Categoría padre: Detras del pesaje
- Categoría: Quiz
- Publicado en Sábado, 27 Agosto 2011 19:32
- Impactos: 4348
Cuantos patos pesa el gato?
How many Weighings for N coins?
- Detalles
- Categoría padre: Detras del pesaje
- Categoría: Quiz
- Publicado en Domingo, 28 Agosto 2011 18:57
- Impactos: 3794
How Many Weighings for N Coins?
Mike Boughton wrote the original puzzle:
> There is an old one called the 12 penny problem: You have 12 coins, all
> apparently alike, but one is either heavier or lighter. Your job is to
> find which and which one in 3 weighings on a balance using only the coins
> themselves.
> This version does not require any math. Somehwere I saw a response that
> does. Not only did it contain the solution for 12, which takes a few
> minutes to figure out, but the general solution of how many weighings it
> takes for n coins.
Facil 1
- Detalles
- Categoría padre: Detras del pesaje
- Categoría: Quiz
- Publicado en Sábado, 27 Agosto 2011 18:46
- Impactos: 3464
• (Señale la balanza B.) ¿Que hay en la balanza B? (una esfera) ¿Cuánto pesa? (seis libras)
• (Señale la balanza A.) ¿Que hay en la balanza A? (un cubo y una esfera) ¿Cuánto pesan los objetos a la vez? (nueve libras)
• Calcule el peso del cubo. ¿Cómo lo hiciste? (La esfera es de 6 libras, así que el cubo pesa 9 -. 6, o tres, libra)